Serving Platter 11″ D

Hexagonal Serving Platter D= 11″ H=1.5″

Serving Dish D= 8.5″ H=1″

White M&M dishes in 3 sizes.
Sushi (8.5″ x 4.75″) Rectangular Dish ( 7″ x 6″) Small (5″ x 4″)

Serving Dish (Sushi) (white clay)(M&M) ( 8.5″ x 4.75″)

Berry Bowl/Colander with matching plate

Butter Dish (speckled clay) (M&M) (6.75″ x 3.75″).
Also gray and white clays, various designs.

white stoneware
Turquoise outside
Blue inside

White Stoneware
Texture Turquoise and Plum